The CE Mark is a European symbol that can sometimes be found on packaging. When correctly presented, it signifies that the necessary requirements of the intended use defined in a harmonised European standard (hEN) or a European Technical Assessment (ETA) have been fulfilled. It allows products to be freely traded in the European Economic area.
Confusion reigns, not least amongst wholesalers and distributors of construction fixings, as to which products need to carry CE Marking under the "Construction Products Regulation" (CPR), which became mandatory in the UK from 1st July 2013.
Some customers believe the CE Mark applies to all fixings. However this is not the case. Unfortunately, in some cases CE marking has been used to mislead and create doubt in order to increase sales.
From the 1st July 2013, manufacturers of fixings are required to place the CE Mark on all products covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN) or a European Technical Assessment (ETA) where a respective approval has been issued.
Conversely, where a product is not covered by a hEN and where no ETA has been issued, the product is not allowed to carry the CE Mark.
We can confirm that no current Grapplefix products are covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN) or ETA. It is therefore not possible for our products to carry the CE Mark.
In support of the statement above, plasterboard fixings in general (excludes fixings used to secure the plasterboard itself e.g. screws) are not covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN) or ETA. This is due to the changeable, inconsistent nature of plasterboard and the associated difficulties of testing, where failures are ascribed more to the plasterboard itself than the product on test. Even small changes to a testing regime can substantially skew results e.g. size of front plate during a moment test, thus giving rise to an almost infinite variety of permutations and results. Even relative humidity can radically alter testing outcomes.
Where plasterboard fixings carry the CE Mark, questions should be asked about their legitimacy. If in doubt, all holders of approvals and their products are available on the European Organisation for Technical Assessment (EOTA) website
Further information can be sought on the Construction Fixings Association (CFA) website